30th Anniversary Seal
The 30th Anniversary is here and a new Seal came with it.
A Seal is a list of triumphs that need to be completed to unlock a title. The Vidmaster title is what will be displayed over your guardian and in the menu. You can unlock multiple but only have one applied to each character.
In the 30th Anniversary, there are several Triumphs that unlock emotes, emblems, an ornament, and the Forerunner Exotic Sidearm.
Let’s See What You’ll Be Taking Home: Spend keys in Xur’s Treasure Room on Eternity.
Repeat Winner: Defeat final bosses in Dares of Eternity.
Special Guest Star: Defeat Xur’s Chosen in the Lightning Round.
Daring Displays: Complete Starhorse bounties. Weekly and Legend-difficulty Starhorse bounties grant additional progress.
The Richest Dead Man Alive: Recover all 12 of Wilhelm-7’s messages. Reward: Hraesveglur ornament for Gjallarhorn.
And Out Fly the Wolves: Earn the exotic Rocket Launcher Gjallarhorn.
Grasp of Avarice Complete: Complete the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.
Paraversal Prize: Earn the exotic Sidearm, Forerunner.
Daring Displays: Complete Starhorse bounties.
Old Friends, Old Couch: Complete Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty with a fireteam of two to four Guardians. Reward: The Seat of Power emote.
Fateful Spin: Face each of the Wheel of Adversity’s challenges in Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty.