Sundered Doctrine Dungeon

From: $24.99

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Sundered Doctrine Dungeon

The new Sundered Doctrine Dungeon is now ready to be looted. The main attraction in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon is the exotic Finality’s Auger, A linear  fusion rifle that deploys a turret. The loot pool has 4 legendary weapons, 1 exotic weapon, and 1 unique armor set for each class. Our team of pros can help you complete the full Sundered Doctrine dungeon.


Loot Pool:

  • Unloved – Strand Hand Cannon (Legendary)

  • Unworthy – Arc Scout Rifle (Legendary)

  • Unsworn – Strand Trace Rifle (Legendary)

  • Unvoiced – Void Shotgun (Legendary)

  • Finality’s Auger – Solar Linear fusion Rifle (Exotic)

  • Armor set for each class

All rewards are RNG unless specified.


You must have the Dungeon Key DLC

You must be 1995+ Power Level

Piloted: A pro will play on your account to complete this service

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Sundered Doctrine DungeonSundered Doctrine Dungeon
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