Cadmus Ridge Lancecap


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Cadmus Ridge Lancecap

Obtain the Cadmus Ridge Lancecap Titan Helmet Exotic introduced with Lightfall. These Armor Exotics can only be unlocked with RNG by completing Legend and Master Lost Sectors Solo. We will farm the Lost Sectors until they drop guaranteed. There is a daily rotator for which slot of armor is available so you may need to wait a couple of days depending on when you order.

Lancer’s Vigil Exotic Perk:

Diamond Lances create Stasis crystals on impact when thrown, with more crystals created by hitting bosses and vehicles. While using a Stasis subclass and behind your rally barricade, rapid precision hits and combatant final blows with a Stasis weapon creates a Diamond Lance near you.


Power Level 1810+

Exotic Locked

A pro will play on your account to complete this service.

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Cadmus Ridge Lancecap Armor ExoticCadmus Ridge Lancecap